Weeks Roses
Grade Info.
Grade Info.
Grade #1.5 - Roses are a smaller classification from grade #1, but still selected with a high degree of quality. Typically marketed at a lower price point, once planted, a grade #1.5 rose will quickly reach the full potential of the variety selected.
Grade #1 - Premium bush roses and tree roses are assigned a Grade #1. These are the highest-quality plants, ready to grow and have an exceptional season in their first year. Each Grade #1 rose has an average of three "flower-ready" canes that will grow in the first season.
Product Details
Product Details
- Cultivarcv. WEKyesir
- PatentPat.#21,989
- Plant HabitMedium-tall
- Growth HabitUpright, bushy
- Plant Height5¾ to 6.5 feet
- Stem LengthLong
- Disease ResistanceExcellent
- Flower ColorBeautiful bright clear yellow
- Bud FormVery long, pointed & elegant
- Flower SizeLarge, up to 5 inch diameter
- Petal CountAround 30
- ParentageSport of Strike It Rich
- HybridizerTom Carruth & Christian Bédard
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With this color sport (mutation) of Strike It Rich, our 2007 AARS winner, you can hit the jackpot again. It cashes in with all the same great plant qualities—same super vigorous bushy clean plant that flowers like a weed & smells up a storm. But it's just a different color—a clear long-lasting even glowing yellow. Very deep red new shoots & dark green leaves set off the many showy clusters of blossoms.