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Weeks Roses

Chris Evert

Chris Evert

Grade Info.

Grade #1.5 - Roses are a smaller classification from grade #1, but still selected with a high degree of quality. Typically marketed at a lower price point, once planted, a grade #1.5 rose will quickly reach the full potential of the variety selected.
Grade #1 - Premium bush roses and tree roses are assigned a Grade #1. These are the highest-quality plants, ready to grow and have an exceptional season in their first year. Each Grade #1 rose has an average of three "flower-ready" canes that will grow in the first season.

Product Details

  • Plant HabitMedium
  • Growth HabitUpright
  • Plant Height3 to 4 feet
  • Flower ColorMelon orange blushing red
  • Flower SizeLarge
  • Petal Count25 to 30
  • ParentageVoodoo x (Katherine Loker x Gingersnap)
  • HybridizerTom Carruth
No, not a subtle color. In fact, it's a 'grand slam' as far as most eyeballs are concerned. Some might call it orange-yellow, others yellow-orange — but the scarlet blush 'served' at the finish of the flower is 'game point'. The'match' is completed by a well-behaved clean plant for these showy well-formed blossoms. Deep red new foliage and large green leaves put on the final 'top-spin'. You'll 'love' it. Better size in cool weather. Consistent color.
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