Weeks Roses
Julia Child
Julia Child
Grade Info.
Grade Info.
Grade #1.5 - Roses are a smaller classification from grade #1, but still selected with a high degree of quality. Typically marketed at a lower price point, once planted, a grade #1.5 rose will quickly reach the full potential of the variety selected.
Grade #1 - Premium bush roses and tree roses are assigned a Grade #1. These are the highest-quality plants, ready to grow and have an exceptional season in their first year. Each Grade #1 rose has an average of three "flower-ready" canes that will grow in the first season.
Product Details
Product Details
- Cultivarcv. WEKvossutono
- PatentPat.#18,473
- Plant HabitMedium-low
- Growth HabitVery rounded, bushy
- Plant Height26 to 31 inches
- Stem LengthMedium
- Disease ResistanceExcellent
- Flower ColorWarm golden yellow
- Bud FormPointed & full
- Flower SizeMedium, up to 3½ inch diameter
- Petal CountOver 35
- Parentage[(Voodoo x R. soulieana derivative) x Summerwine] x Top Notch
- HybridizerTom Carruth
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Just before our wonderful American icon left us, she selected this exceptional rose to bear her name. Julia loved the even butter gold color & the licorice candy fragrance. Yet it wasn't just the old-fashioned blooms that inspired the recipe. The perfectly rounded habit, super glossy leaves & great disease resistance finish off the dish. An awesome AARS award winner—a right & proper honor for a dear friend. Consistent, hardy & floriferous in all climates. Very disease resistant. Available budded & own root.